Q-2, r. 35.3.1 - Regulation respecting afforestation and reforestation projects eligible for the issuance of offset credits on privately-owned land

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(s. 29)
Allometric equations used to estimate the aerial biomass of certain species present on a sample plot
Parameter values
Abies balsameaA5, A672.7152.250.06841.1302Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979; Ker 1984
Abies balsameaA10.17462.1555  Ker 1984
Acer pensylvanicumA4-3.5182.878  Telfer 1969
Acer rubrumA10.1972.1933  Ker 1984
Acer rubrumA4-4.1942.094  Telfer 1969
Acer saccharumA10.15992.3376  Ker 1980
Acer saccharum1A4-4.1942.094  Telfer 1969
Acer spicatumA5, A673.1822.2590.16451.0485Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Acer spicatumA10.2042.2524  Whittaker 2 al. 1979
Alnus rugosaA5, A663.282.380.14091.0225Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979
Alnus rugosaA10.26122.2087  Young 2 al. 1980
Amelanchier sp2A5, A671.5342.3910.01421.1037Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Amelanchier sp.A10.26122.2087  Young 2 al. 1980
Betula alleghaniensisA2-1.83372.1283  Ker 1980
Betula papyriferaAS, A673.3162.2790.7131.0452Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979; Ker 1984
Betula papyriferaA10.15452.3064  Ker 1984
Cornus stoloniferaA5, A674.1142.4570.02431.0828Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Cornus stolonifera3A10.06162.5094  Perala 2 Alban 1994
Corylus cornutaA5, A662.8192.420.18940.9226Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Crataegus sp.A5, A663.282.380.14091.0225Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Crataegus sp.A10.26122.2087  Young 2 al. 1980
Diervilla loniceraA5, A614.2111.2170.10620.8818Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Fagus grandifoliaA10.19582.2538  Ker 1980
Fagus grandifoliaA4-3.6472.906  Telfer 1969
Juniperus communisA359.2052.202  Smith 2 Brand 1983
Larix laricinaA10.09462.3572  Ker 1980
Lonicera canadensisA4-2.4272.77  Telfer 1969
Nemopanthus mucronatusA4-3.042.819  Telfer 1969
Picea abiesA10.07772.472  Harding and Grigal 1985
Picea glaucaA10.07772.472  Harding and Grigal 1985
Picea glaucaA5, A665.7572.2870.07151.1241Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Picea abiesA5, A665.7572.2870.07151.1241Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979
Picea marianaA10.16832.1777  Ker 1980
Picea marianaA30.50721.9246  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Picea rubens4A10.1662.2417  Freedman et al. 1982
Picea rubensdA30.50721.9246  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Pinus banksianaA10.1522.273  Ker 1980
Pinus banksianaA30.16942.3002  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Pinus resinosaA10.08472.3503  Ker 1980
Pinus resinosaA30.12192.4618  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Pinus strobusA10.16172.142  Ker 1980
Pinus strobusA30.14042.2918  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Populus balsamifera56A5, A646.5742.5270.12941.0517Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Populus tremuloidesA10.10492.391  Ker 1984
Populus tremuloidesA4-2.922.715  Telfer 1969
Prunus pensylvanicaA5, A668.0412.2370.11511.0676Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Prunus pensylvanicaA10.15562.1948  Young 2 al. 1980
Prunus sp.A5, A668.0412.2370.11511.0676Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Prunus virginianaA10.26431.7102  Young et 2 1980
Prunus virginianaA39.9342.92  Brown 1976
Quercus rubraA10.13352.422  Perala 2 Alban 1994
Quercus rubraA4-2.2992.649  Telfer 1969
Ribes sp.A349.0013.112  Brown 1976
Rubus idaeusA343.9922.86  Brown 1976
Salix sp.A10.06162.5094  Perala 2 Alban 1994
Salix sp.A4-1.5192.325  Telfer 1969
Sorbus americanaA5, A644.3943.2530.02631.1373Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Sorbus americanca7A10.15562.1948  Young 2 al. 1980
Thuja occidentalisA5, A668.4231.8630.18531.0906Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979; Ker 1984
Thuja occidentalisA10.11482.1439  Ker 1980
Vaccinium angustifoliumA4-3.9783.706  Telfer 1969
Viburnum alnifoliumA4-4.0793.243  Telfer 1969
Viburnum cassinoidesA4-2.6132.774  Telfer 1969
Explanatory note: 6 different equations are used to determine the biomass of aerial ligneous vegetation (B) (DBH: diameter at breast height; DSH: diameter at stump height; D15: diameter at height of 15 cm).
[A1] B = b0× DBHb1
[A2]8 ln B = b0 + b1 × ln DBH
[A3] B = b0 × DSHb1
[A4] ln B = b0 + b1 × ln DSH
[A5] B = b0 × D15b1
[A6] D15 = (DSH – a15)/b15
1 The equation for A. rubrum is used.
2 The equation for A. rugosa is used.
3The equation for Salix sp. is used.
4The equation for P.mariana is used.
5 The equation for Populus sp. is used.
6 The equation for P.mariana is used.
7 The equation for P. pensylvanica is used.
8 To obtain the value B, the result of the equation must be converted to an exponent.
M.O. 2022-11-17, Sch. B.
(s. 29)
Allometric equations used to estimate the aerial biomass of certain species present on a sample plot
Parameter values
Abies balsameaA5, A672.7152.250.06841.1302Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979; Ker 1984
Abies balsameaA10.17462.1555  Ker 1984
Acer pensylvanicumA4-3.5182.878  Telfer 1969
Acer rubrumA10.1972.1933  Ker 1984
Acer rubrumA4-4.1942.094  Telfer 1969
Acer saccharumA10.15992.3376  Ker 1980
Acer saccharum1A4-4.1942.094  Telfer 1969
Acer spicatumA5, A673.1822.2590.16451.0485Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Acer spicatumA10.2042.2524  Whittaker 2 al. 1979
Alnus rugosaA5, A663.282.380.14091.0225Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979
Alnus rugosaA10.26122.2087  Young 2 al. 1980
Amelanchier sp2A5, A671.5342.3910.01421.1037Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Amelanchier sp.A10.26122.2087  Young 2 al. 1980
Betula alleghaniensisA2-1.83372.1283  Ker 1980
Betula papyriferaAS, A673.3162.2790.7131.0452Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979; Ker 1984
Betula papyriferaA10.15452.3064  Ker 1984
Cornus stoloniferaA5, A674.1142.4570.02431.0828Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Cornus stolonifera3A10.06162.5094  Perala 2 Alban 1994
Corylus cornutaA5, A662.8192.420.18940.9226Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Crataegus sp.A5, A663.282.380.14091.0225Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Crataegus sp.A10.26122.2087  Young 2 al. 1980
Diervilla loniceraA5, A614.2111.2170.10620.8818Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Fagus grandifoliaA10.19582.2538  Ker 1980
Fagus grandifoliaA4-3.6472.906  Telfer 1969
Juniperus communisA359.2052.202  Smith 2 Brand 1983
Larix laricinaA10.09462.3572  Ker 1980
Lonicera canadensisA4-2.4272.77  Telfer 1969
Nemopanthus mucronatusA4-3.042.819  Telfer 1969
Picea abiesA10.07772.472  Harding and Grigal 1985
Picea glaucaA10.07772.472  Harding and Grigal 1985
Picea glaucaA5, A665.7572.2870.07151.1241Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Picea abiesA5, A665.7572.2870.07151.1241Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979
Picea marianaA10.16832.1777  Ker 1980
Picea marianaA30.50721.9246  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Picea rubens4A10.1662.2417  Freedman et al. 1982
Picea rubensdA30.50721.9246  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Pinus banksianaA10.1522.273  Ker 1980
Pinus banksianaA30.16942.3002  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Pinus resinosaA10.08472.3503  Ker 1980
Pinus resinosaA30.12192.4618  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Pinus strobusA10.16172.142  Ker 1980
Pinus strobusA30.14042.2918  Wagner 2 Ter-Mikaelian 1999
Populus balsamifera56A5, A646.5742.5270.12941.0517Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Populus tremuloidesA10.10492.391  Ker 1984
Populus tremuloidesA4-2.922.715  Telfer 1969
Prunus pensylvanicaA5, A668.0412.2370.11511.0676Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Prunus pensylvanicaA10.15562.1948  Young 2 al. 1980
Prunus sp.A5, A668.0412.2370.11511.0676Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Prunus virginianaA10.26431.7102  Young et 2 1980
Prunus virginianaA39.9342.92  Brown 1976
Quercus rubraA10.13352.422  Perala 2 Alban 1994
Quercus rubraA4-2.2992.649  Telfer 1969
Ribes sp.A349.0013.112  Brown 1976
Rubus idaeusA343.9922.86  Brown 1976
Salix sp.A10.06162.5094  Perala 2 Alban 1994
Salix sp.A4-1.5192.325  Telfer 1969
Sorbus americanaA5, A644.3943.2530.02631.1373Roussopoulos 2 Loomis 1979
Sorbus americanca7A10.15562.1948  Young 2 al. 1980
Thuja occidentalisA5, A668.4231.8630.18531.0906Roussopoulos and Loomis 1979; Ker 1984
Thuja occidentalisA10.11482.1439  Ker 1980
Vaccinium angustifoliumA4-3.9783.706  Telfer 1969
Viburnum alnifoliumA4-4.0793.243  Telfer 1969
Viburnum cassinoidesA4-2.6132.774  Telfer 1969
Explanatory note: 6 different equations are used to determine the biomass of aerial ligneous vegetation (B) (DBH: diameter at breast height; DSH: diameter at stump height; D15: diameter at height of 15 cm).
[A1] B = b0× DBHb1
[A2]8 ln B = b0 + b1 × ln DBH
[A3] B = b0 × DSHb1
[A4] ln B = b0 + b1 × ln DSH
[A5] B = b0 × D15b1
[A6] D15 = (DSH – a15)/b15
1 The equation for A. rubrum is used.
2 The equation for A. rugosa is used.
3The equation for Salix sp. is used.
4The equation for P.mariana is used.
5 The equation for Populus sp. is used.
6 The equation for P.mariana is used.
7 The equation for P. pensylvanica is used.
8 To obtain the value B, the result of the equation must be converted to an exponent.
M.O. 2022-11-17, Sch. B.